Restorative Moon Ritual: New Moon Aquarius

Sunday, March 2, 2025
4 pm ET

Join me for this monthly practice to welcome the New Moon.

Astrology is woven throughout the class as I offer an astrological overview of the New Moon chart, a series of restorative yoga poses inspired by the moon, and a guided writing session to help you reflect and set your intention for the upcoming moon cycle.

You'll feel restored, rejuvenated, and connected to your inner knowing.

All bodies are welcome, no yoga experience is necessary. Bring your pillows, bolsters, and blankets.

Cosmic Conversation

Monday, March 3
5 pm ET

Join me to chat astrology on Zoom. We’ll cover the movement of the planets at the moment and I’ll open the floor for your questions.

We’ll wrap up with a short meditation and some journal prompts so you can align your energy with the cosmos.

This is a complimentary offering.