EP 108: Fall Equinox + Mercury Retrograde
This week kicks off with a Full Moon in Pisces, but shortly thereafter the energy shifts. Wednesday is the Fall Equinox, aka the day the Sun enters Libra, Fall begins, and it’s completely OK to wear a chunky sweater and order a pumpkin spiced latte regardless of the temperature outside.
Twice a year we experience a day when there is an equal duration of sunlight and darkness. This occurs on the Fall Equinox and the Spring Equinox, marking the beginning of Libra season and Aries season.
When the Sun enters Libra our concerns shift toward our partnerships. You might find that this Libra season brings up some old ghosts, emotional patterns, or behaviors you’ve exhibited in past relationships thanks to Mercury retrograding through the Libra part of your natal chart.
Yep, good ol’ Mercury is back to his tricks. He will be retrograding on September 27th, but we’re already feeling his slowdown.
Don’t stress! Mercury backstrokes through a different part of your chart 3x a year. This year he’s focused on the places in your chart ruled by the air signs. In other words, the way you communicate with others, how you express yourself, and the integrity of the words you say are all being reviewed in 2021 - by you!
Mercury retrograde is an opportunity to review, revise, and reconfirm. Check-in with how you’re relating to your friends, your family, and your partners in love, life, and work. We all have blind spots and Mercury’s retrogrades are here to help you mean what you say and say what you mean.
Mercury’s journey backward will be amplified by his 3 squares to Pluto and his 3 trines to Jupiter. You’ll be getting to the root cause of a current situation nagging at your mind and you’ll get the chance to formulate a future solution.
You might have to do some digging, but you’ll get the information you need to make the decision or take the action you must take. If you’re feeling unsure, wait until November to make any big moves, that is when Mercury will be chugging forward once again at normal speed.
FYI: Mercury is retrograde from September 27-October 18, but he will not exit his shadow period until November 3.
Luckily, Mars will trine Saturn this weekend making connections, communicating, and thinking clear and productive. Instead of getting twisted up by the retrograde boogie man, use that energy to set an intention as to what you want to gain clarity on this Libra season.