EP 114: Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Eclipse season is here! On Friday the Full Moon Lunary Eclipse in Taurus gives us another opportunity to release the old and integrate the new. With the Sun in Scorpio opposite the Moon in Taurus issues around control, financial security, and power might be cropping up.

Venus is currently in Capricorn adding to that nagging feeling that you should put some extra dollars in the savings account.

The Full Moon creates a T-Square with Jupiter. Anything that comes up this week will be amplified by the big guy. Another challenging piece of this puzzle is Mars opposite Uranus which increases volatility, unexpected actions, bursts of energy, and even explosive confrontations. Avoid anyone that triggers you this week and take 3 deep breaths before responding or making decisions.

Most importantly, remember that eclipses are portals for change. An eclipse occurs when a New Moon or a Full Moon occurs close to the Nodes of Fate. When this happens the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon align and the light is obscured. Therefore, the shadows are exposed.

Collectively and independently you’ll see some things emerge from the darkness, but that’s what is needed now.

What you can do is be open and curious to seeing what is revealed and allow yourself to shift with the winds of change.


EP 115: Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius


EP 113: New Moon in Scorpio